November was midwifery month

November was midwifery month. Midwifery practices across the city of Vancouver were offering free workshops on women's health, pregnancy and birth. I actually attended a really interesting workshop on pelvic floor health thanks to my midwives.

Having a midwife during your pregnancy has a number of advantages. The appointments are longer than with an OB-GYN and usually more personalized. Midwives take the time to know you and answer all those questions that come bubbling up. You are assured that your midwife will be there the day of your delivery and you don't have to worry about having a total stranger doing your delivery. Midwifes attend home births and offer home visits for the post-partum period. They can order the same blood works, tests and ultrasounds as doctors. Most of them have a library of books and DVDs you can borrow. They offer excellent support for breastfeeding. They are always available for some advice or a quick chat. They offer a humane and respectful and nurturing care for the expectant mothers. Research has proved that midwives have a lower rate of interventions during labour and delivery, resulting in healthier babies and moms.

Unfortunately, midwives are in danger of disappearing in BC. UBC offers a reknown program in midwifery but its funding has been cut and it won't be able to train as many midwives next year, even when more and more women choose midwifery care and when they are often the only ones available in remote rural areas of the province. 

On the 24th of November this year, moms, doulas, midwives and midwifery students took to the streets of Vancouver and Victoria to ask the Province to continue supporting midwifery. They protested in front of the parliament in Victoria and on the Burrard bridge in Vancouver.

Defending midwifery is about saving tax dollars but most of all it's about defending a safe alternative for women to deliver with respect and dignity. 

Even if my own delivery did not exactly happen the way I wanted, I really appreciated the professional attitude of my midwives and their support. I will definitely turn to midwifery care for a next pregnancy.



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